Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring has sprung!

Well... sort of. Not quite warm enough to go to the beach or run around without a hoodie on (at least not today), but it's getting there. Things are starting to bloom, and I snapped a few pictures today near my apartment.

I don't pretend to be a photographer with my dinky little digital camera, but I do like to take pictures of stuff. No photoshop on these or anything, because I'm feeling lazy. :P

These first few are from City Hall Park right by my apartment.

They finally turned the fountain on! :D

This next bunch is from Battery Park down by the water. The light was going a little by this point, but OH WELL.

And, just for fun, a few of the statues outside the museum by Bowling Green.


  1. wow wow wow! the colors are awesome!! great job with your p&s!

  2. Wow! Those flowery trees are beautiful! What kind are they? I don't think we have them down south.

