Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hello there blogspot!

Did I really need another online journal? Of course I did!

I've come to the realization that a whole lot of my friends and family don't actually have LiveJournal accounts, and since my whole LJ has been friends-locked for the last 4 years or so, all the brain spewing I do over there does them little to no good.

What will I post here? Art and photos mostly. Maybe the occasional textual diatribe about something or other. Nothing particularly deep and meaningful. No unlocking the mysteries of the universe, but I hope you will enjoy anyhow!

To start off on a truly classy note, here's a picture of me (circa age 14) driving a riding lawn mower. Why? I have no idea. But it was in my dad's online photo album. WTF dad.


  1. To remind you of your humble roots...

  2. You actually look eerily like a friend from high school in this picture. Really eerily. :)

